
Gonçalo Moreno

Software Engineer

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About Me

Worked as a graduate researcher on autonomous driving with deep reinforcement learning, in the Telecomunications Lab in my faculty with a scholarship.

Heavily interested in AI and machine learning, more specifically in reinforcement learning but also in self-supervised learning.

While working I created and deployed models on an HPC cluster, GPULab, and its a type of work that, while frustrating at times, I enjoy and some of my favorite courses that I attended both in Portugal and abroad, in the Czech Republic, were parallel computing (working with openMP and CUDA).

Since middle school, I have been programming, starting with LUA scripts for a game called Garry's Mod, usually copy-pasted from somewhere. Since then, game and graphics programming have kept me interested in CS enough to get a Master's degree in Informatics Engineering at FEUP.

In college, I was an active student joining multiple student groups, two related to software development, where I helped develop projects from computer graphics, web scrapping, and machine learning. I also helped organize many events.

My other significant interest is finances. Having a father who has always worked in a bank and a mother who is an economics teacher trading stocks occupies part of my free time. I have even developed a trading bot using supervised learning (although it has terrible performance).


Telecomunications Lab

Graduate Researcher

Won a scholarship to work on a Multi-Agent Distributed Reinforcement Learning model for autonomous driving. Used deep learning models and a modified version of SAC to create a self driving agent in Carla simulator.

RUTIS Atmosfera M


For two years, I taught other colleagues a class of about 20 seniors about basic informatic skills, such as navigating the web, using office programs (Word, Powerpoint, Excel), and solving general problems with their computers phones.


Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto

Sept 2015 - Oct 2020

Master's in Informatic Engineering

Concluded my master after the expected 5 years. While in college i joined many student groups, some for software development others for organizing events.

VSB - Technical University of Ostrava

Sept 2019 - Feb 2020

Master's in Computer Science

    Did Eramus in Ostrava, Czech Republic.


Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Created a model using Deeep Reinforcement Learning, with a mixture of SAC and A3C and also treating the vehicles as graphs and applying Geometric Deep Learning.

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Stock Predictor

Using supervised learning and a Deep Neural Network leveraging LSTMs a model that attempts to predict stock prices. Example image is prediction of Oracle Stock

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TimeTableSelector by NIAEFEUP

Helped to develop this tool by programming part of the backend. Created a web-crawler using Scrapy.

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